Long time oral caresses were considered as something shameful and unusual. People tried to avoid them or suppressed the juicy entertainments. Today oral sex turned into natural action, an important part of normal intimate relations. It allows to get rid quickly of sexual tension, tunes into rough continuation or just weakens. Only for receiving true pleasure it is necessary to study process subtleties not to upset and to disappoint the soulmate.
Happiness for the woman!
The coddled and spoiled young ladies consider that the penis is something dirty and unworthy their attention. Blowjob is a pleasure which other women, but not they have to bring to men. If darling asks them about such favor, he will receive sharp refusal and an angry tirade in reply. In the same time the liberated ladies present the lovers with the first-class blowjob and receive the maximum return. Their intimate life finds new shades which are inaccessible to the clamped and diffident persons. The secret of similar transformations is simple – the love for blowjob is found in each man, irrespective of his social status and other features.

The woman who readily and pleasure pleases the partner with blowjob will never remain without the portion of attention and tenderness. Only before action it is necessary to remember that the trunk of the dick differs in the minimum sensitivity to stimulation. The most important erogenous area is a head which needs delicate and long caresses. It is necessary to work gently and sensually not to injure skin and not to bring unpleasant feelings.
At first the dick is picked up and accurately lick its trunk then get over to a head. It is taken lips and licked, alternating the parties. Such caresses are capable to bring the man to sweet exhaustion that often comes to an end with a desired discharge. At the same time efforts from the woman the minimum is required, and feelings increase if all actions happen without sour mine on a face.
Other option is similar to a game in the pump which is the woman’s mouth. Lips are rounded, and the dick is accurately soaked up. The head in process is caressed a uvula then begin to move in the direction slightly. Stroking has to be rhythmical, and pressure upon a dick a lung, without aggression. If desired it is possible to help process by handles that will allow the man to terminate quicker. Though if desired blowjob it is possible to bring quickly the partner and to prepare it for stormy night of love.
Features of oral sex for women

For some reason it is considered that oral sex is necessary only to men, and ladies perfectly do without it. Actually, beautiful ladies need similar caresses even more owing to the anatomic features. If for the man almost each sexual intercourse comes to the end with an orgasm, then his companion needs competent preparation for proximity, creation of a suitable spirit. Only after that it is possible to pass to resolute actions as the girlfriend will be completely weakened and ready to active frictions.
You should not rush to the beloved between legs at once and to try to carry out there some manipulations. As you can watch in real-time sex cams, all action begins with gentle touches, kisses in a neck, gentle caress of handles and legs. When the partner is adjusted on good impressions, slowly reach a clitoris. It is the most sensitive part of a female body therefore the leading role is assigned to it during oral caress. At the same time, it is necessary to work smoothly and carefully. The beloved has to feel that think of her much and passionately. Only in this case the subsequent sex will differ in the maximum intensity of emotions, and the woman will agree to experiments more willingly.
The preferred types of impact on a clitoris should be found out by practical consideration. It are pleasant to someone slow and gentle licking, other ladies prefer kisses, and someone is brought by twisting. To define the preferred option, it is necessary to listen to behavior of the mistress. At positive reaction of the chosen speed, it is possible to adhere, and at discontent it is necessary to change tactics urgently.
The lovers pay more attention each other, the more often they practice oral caresses, the more interesting them sexual life. Such partners open additional opportunities of sex and differ in respect to each other.